Sunday, August 8, 2010

Miss Halle

Miss Halle was born a month before Madilyn.  She spent her first few weeks of life babysitting my nephews.  Well, her Mama did!  Anyway, we scheduled this session about a week ago.  As luck would have it, she fell the night before and hurt her skin.  A few stitches later she is fine.  Halle, I hope you feel better soon!

She didn't want much to do with me in the beginning but finally decided I wasn't so bad when I had bubbles!  What a cutie!  These were taken downtown Sulphur.  We ran around and had a great time before the heat!  Thanks for getting up early on a Saturday.

What about twirling???  How fun is that!!!!

Shortly after this she decided to ditch the skirt and run around with just her panties and tank top!  I will not embarrass her, but those pictures are pretty cute!

Halle, I sure had a great time with you!  Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

1 comment:

Amy Stinson said...

I absolutely love the pics of Halle!! She is a doll!! I wish I had her hair!! Just beautiful!!!!