Monday, September 20, 2010

New Treasures, Once again~

Aaron's grandparents have the neatest stuff, ever!  I feel like I'm part of American Pickers when I get to visit their barn.  They have no idea how wonderful it all is.  Maybe they do and just don't show it because I am always so excited.  Grandpa parted ways with a few pieces the other day.  The chair below really caught my eye.  I love the green and every chip in the paint!  Braxton found a few things as well - a walking stick, a skull of some sorts (which some how got thrown away...oops) and a dodge ram sign?  That kid gets just as excited as I do!  Madilyn came away with a little rocking horse that used to be Aaron's.  We are very excited about that.  Grandpa is doing a few repairs, so we have to go back and get it soon.  As for now, the green chair holds my heart...

Then on Saturday night when I was all down in the dumps and missing friends/family Aaron took me to the town auction up the road from our house.  Let me tell you, I will be a regular!  It was so much fun.  Snack bar = fun for the kids!  Junk galore!!!!  I came away with only one item...but its something I've been wanting for a while!  I just love it!  I can't wait to take a little sweet baby picture with it.  If you have a newborn or know of one call me asap!

Finally, I can't leave out my find from my last dog trade trip...a sweet little hot pink chair!  Madilyn can't wait to take a picture in it!  :)

I hope you all have a great week!!!!  Thanks for reading...


Anonymous said...

WOW! I am so jealous of your, love, love them!!! They're going to make great props and keepsakes! You gotta take me to that auction...sounds like something I would totally love!

Michele Morgan said...

you're would LOVE IT!

Amy Stinson said...

Sounds like a girls night out in the making!!

Amy Stinson said...

I have a pic of Aaron and the pink chair I'll send you. He is "patiently" waiting on you at the dog trade. Maybe you can load it on here too! He needs a little spotlight for all his hard work!!

Michele Morgan said...

OH, yes! Please send the picture of Aaron. :)