Sunday, October 3, 2010

Collier Children ~

Let me just say, these kidos were fun!  We had somewhat of a rough start.  My camera started doing something weird.  I was a little nervous for a while after that, but things smoothed out nicely.  Sometimes a session just sticks with me and I have a feeling this one will.  We had a blast.  Their personalities were so much fun.  Their bond was AMAZING!   They did get me in trouble, but I guess I will forgive them. Jace, next time bring donuts and I will for sure forgive you!  I hope you enjoy your sneak peek as much as I've enjoyed going through them.

Mom had mentioned she really wanted to capture them playing "Paper, Rock, Scissor" (which Braxton has informed is Scissor, Rock, Paper...I'm not sure).  They play this game as a way to decide who takes out the trash, who takes their picture first, the list goes on and on!  I must say Brentley beat her brother on this round.  I'm pretty sure there was a "best out of three", but we won't mention the winner of that!

Two words for ya, Jace ~ GIRLS RULE!!!!!!

They just stole my heart...that's all I've got to say!  :)

We did a little trespassing, I mean exploring.  They've decided this is an old jail.  I dirty one!

Ok, I have to keep the rest a sure is hard!  I'm not much of a secret keeper when it goes to cute kids!  Enjoy....


Amy Stinson said...

These are so sweet! Our little downtown area really has some great places to take pics. Of course, it helps to have cute subjects!! Can't wait to see the rest!

Anonymous said...

Love the location too....and the pictures are priceless!!! Another great job!

Cristal Collier said...

I love em!!!!!! I think that the sayying goes "Rock, Paper, Scissors" though.. LOL. I cannot wait for baby collier to be born that way we can take priceless pictures of us all together..