Wednesday, January 19, 2011

For Nene and Papa~

Came across this pictures while cleaning out/organizing my pictures from 2010.  Its amazing how you look over certain pictures, but if you go back through them at a later date they really pull at your heart strings.  This one of little miss did that to me.  I'm sure I set it aside because my exposure wasn't dead on or I was too busy with school to edit at that time.

When I found this picture I knew my parents would enjoy it.  My Mom has recently become a reader of my blog (its taken her this long to get "acquainted" with the internet).  It makes it so much easier to find time to blog knowing she's looking for new pictures!  She even has my Dad looking - which is amazing!

So, Mom and Dad (Nene and Papa) here is your sweet girl!  She misses you so so much and would really like you to come stay the night.  She might even talk her Mom into cooking potato soup and cornbread if you would so kindly get in your car and head north!  What's that???  OH, yes.  She'll make chocolate chip cookies, too!!!


Stacy said...

Took my breath away....such a beautiful picture. I love the sunlight on that precious face!

toni said...

I wish my photography was enough to lure my parents up for a visit! I may need to enlist your help with that again!

Michele Morgan said...

Toni - you're a fast one!!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet Michele!

Kristalyn said...

Absolutely love it~! And I'm proud of Nene and Papa too! :)

Amy Stinson said...

Look at those curls!! I love it!! I remember seeing this shot somewhere....