I realize this camp is about him - and not me! But let me tell you what its done for me!!! Its made me realize this sweet little baby boy is not a baby anymore. He's 9! He can go out on his own and survive without Mom. His teeth are probably not brushed and I'm not sure he showered - but he's surviving! I have survived as well - obviously not as well as he has!
Now that I've depressed myself even more, check out this handsome little devil...
He's overdue for pictures. We tried...but were not very successful. Sister came along. She wouldn't stay with us or allow for concentration. We threw up our hats 15 minutes into it and decided we'd try again when she wasn't with us. BUT, a couple are worth sharing.
This one is my favorite. This is HIS look! He's not sad. Not mad. Just thinking. Probably about his dirt bike. Possibly if he can have a snack when we finished. Maybe even about when he can change out of this "church shirt"! :)
I hope to share with you some pictures Braxton took while at camp. With his permission and the safe return of the camera that will happen in a few days!
Well now my keyboard is soaked with tears!!!! Great story with wonderful pictures....love it all!
by the way....Braxton is one handsome fella!
I'm so glad to see him in a picture...that is without hiding his face!! I love the "thoughtful" look, but I love seeing the smile!!
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