Tuesday, July 20, 2010

He's Home....

He made it home!  In one piece.  Exhausted and stinky.  You guys thought I was kidding about the snacking comments - first pictures:  lunch room and the canteen!  :)  You might've also thought I was kidding about the bathing and brushing of teeth!  He admitted he did NOT brush his teeth.  He came home in the same clothing I sent him in.  And in his pictures he's wearing those same clothes?????  I am not asking! He said there just wasn't time for taking a good bath or brushing his teeth!  ???


This is the ropes course. You climb up the telephone pole and zip line down????  He did it.  I still can't believe it.  He is so unsure of doing things for the first time.  He's very proud of himself for doing it. 

Learning to knit!  My kind of fun (danger free)!!!!  
Note:  Same clothing I sent him in!!!!

This is pretty much it!  Lots of stories, but no pictures to go along.  I'm still happy the camera made it home and hoping to have more pictures from the sponsors.  He's so tired I'm not getting much out of him at this point.  Other than - HE'S GOING NEXT YEAR!  That is a successful camp trip.  :)  My nerves are settled now that he's home.  Time to get some work done!  

1 comment:

Amy Stinson said...

I'm so glad he made it home and had a good time! There is plenty of time for bathing and brushing your teeth at home!!! I'll have to call him tomorrow to hear about that zip line....looks to scary for me!!