Monday, August 23, 2010

FINALLY - a new post!!!!

Good morning!  I'm still alive~do I still have any readers???  

I finally finished school.  Started a new part-time job.  Braxton started school.  Madilyn started Mother's Day out.  Busy few weeks!  Now, my focus is back on photography and I need your help.  I'm working on my "watermark" and text for my new website that is in the works.  Here is an example of the text we like so far....what do you think?  

BONUS - sweet Halle!!!!!

Just a friendly reminder~
Michele Morgan Photography retains the copyright and ownership of all images from the photo session. Clients are not allowed to reproduce any images produced by the photographer for any purpose without written consent. This includes printing and reproducing the images made available on the blog; scanning, photographing and reprinting images printed by Michele Morgan; using an image on a greeting card or announcement not purchased from Michele Morgan Photography or without purchasing image printing rights for such usage. 


Anonymous said...

Oh yes mam, you still a reader! Love the writing, easy to read yet sophisticated and above all...PRETTY!

Amy Stinson said...

OOoops!!! I wrote out a comment earlier, but didn't hit the save button!! I like the watermark...I agree with "Miss Anonymous" that it is pretty and easy to read! Of course, Miss Halle is picture perfect!!

Michele Morgan said...

Thanks sisters!!!! :)