Monday, January 10, 2011

Final Days...

of being two years old that is!!!  So close to THREE that you might as well say you're 3 when asked!  The weather was just beautiful for pictures so we thought we'd take a few downtown last week...a few more just being "two"!  I tear up just thinking of how big she is.  THREE?!?!  Where did the time go?  Wasn't it just yesterday she fit in the palm of my hand?      

I have so much to say about her, but it all makes me cry.  She is just perfect to me.  She makes me laugh.  She makes me want to pull my hair out.  This is all in the first 15 minutes she's awake!  

Finally figured out how to show THREE!  Its a good thing because she tells everyone we come in contact with she's going to be 3 and is having a princess party.  She has invited the whole town - because she talks to everyone she sees.

My favorite from our "mini session".

Just a few things I don't want to ever forget about her....

She talks non-stop (how could I forget)
She LOVES barbies
She doesn't like chocolate
More mornings than not when she wakes up she says "I miss my Papa so bad"
She talks to her Papa multiple times a day on the phone
She is a planner (and the boss)
She only wants to wear dresses and tights (I had to bribe her to wear jeans for pictures)
Her imagination is out of this world!!!!
She talks about getting married every day
She loves to dance and to tell you how to dance

Happy early Birthday Miss Madilyn Clare!


Anonymous said...

Where did the time go? I can't believe this little princess is almost 3!!!! She's adorable! I see she can now wear a pony...has it been that long since I've seen her?! You captured some great moments and that purple is beautiful on her! Happy Birthday Miss Madi!

Amy Stinson said...

There's my sweet Madi!! I can't beleive she will be three either...time sure does fly when your having fun! I absolutely love that she is bossy, loves Barbie's and talks non-stop! My kinda girl!!! Love you Madi!!!

toni said...

Wow, 3?! I can't even believe it and she's not even my kid. These pictures are great. She is just beautiful. I hear you on that whole first 15 minutes they're awake thing.

Jamie Chavers said...

These pictures are absolutely adorable. I can't believe that 2.5 years ago she stole my heart and that's she almost 3! Where has the time gone? Happy early birthday to Miss Madilyn!