Thursday, December 23, 2010

Braxton and Heart Failure!

These pictures are from a while back - but talk has surfaced about buying a bigger dirt bike so it has me thinking.  No, I did not go to this race.  And I probably will never go...without being heavily sedated.  BUT, Braxton LOVES, LOVES it!

If you drive by our house on any given day you will see a little 50lb boy going way too fast on his dirt bike and jumping whatever is in site.  I have to admit he looks so cute in his little riding gear.  But dirt bike racing?  Should we really encourage this sport???  I say no way!  Aaron says - YES!

Please pray for me.

Pictures by Aaron Morgan iphone!


toni said...

There's something about dads wanting to put small children on dangerous equipment I guess...then again my heart melts for little boys in helmets! How cute is Braxton on his little motorcycle?!

Michele Morgan said...

You always have such a way with words, Toni!!!! :)

Amy Stinson said...

He looks great...maybe he will just sit there and look cool!! Yeah, right??!!! I'll be praying!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, scares me to death! I'm with Amy, I'll be praying. He looks tough as nails though!